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2021 income report-ish

I haven’t posted here in a long time, but I thought that I would share with you my top sheet income report from 2021. I just finished it and thought you might appreciate it.


This was severely bolstered by a $15,000 grant and a $2,200 PPP loan that was forgiven which added some bulk to the total income, but still ended up over $100,000 in income for the fifth year, and over $66,000 in total writing income.
Plus, much of that other income was from consulting, courses, and other things directly related to writing income. However, last year was not a great year overall, as we went through just a TON of repairs and other issues.
Here are my expenses from last year. I’m not going to go into each item because it would literally make me cry and I’ll have a panic attack, but here are the raw numbers. 
Advertising -10,202.64
Assets -10,434.06
Car and truck -3,720.08
Contract labor -37,676.38
Legal services -483.95
Materials & Supplies -7,330.36
Meals -7,798.16
Office expenses -10,413.68
Research -6,488.07
Subscriptions -4,863.68
Accountant -1,580.00
Charity -3,147.86
Repairs and maintenance -65,098.23
Taxes and licenses -1,292.00
Utilities -3,494.08
Healthcare -5,312.88
TOTAL -179,336.11

You can see that we had just so many expenses last year, so this was the first year we ended with less money than the previous year. If you take the income and subtract expenses, you’ll see we ended -$71,153 in expenses for last year. Luckily, some unemployment, a remortgage, and some other personal income helped us not completely implode this year.

2021 sucked. It was way worse for me than 2020, but 2022 is another year.

Hope this helps. I don’t know how, but I hope so.

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