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Doing marketing consistently leads to huge results

To go along with the theme of long term gains, and to give you a personal example, I’m going to share with you some numbers from this year.

At the beginning of this year, I had 7,834 people like me on Facebook. That’s a LOT of people, but because I run so many Facebook ads, one of the ancillary benefits is a lot of Facebook fans.

That’s one thing I love about pushing hard on the right things because there are so many ancillary benefits.

Yes, I’m sure that some of those people came organically, but most came because I run a lot of Facebook ads.

How many Facebook ads? $12,348 in Facebook ads this year alone, or a little more than $1,000/mo.


I’m actually surprised it’s this low, but then I remember that I run many giveaways without ads, and I took over 4 months off without running any ads.

Still, $12,000+ in Facebook ads is more than most people will do in their whole lives, so I have some amount of authority in this space.

During those $12,000 in ad spend, I moved from 7,834 to 12,982 Facebook fans. This is one reason I like fan pages, because the most you can have on a Facebook profile is 5,000, and I wanted way more than that.

Additionally, I collected 84,273 email addresses for over 200 authors during that time.

I have an average of 75% new with giveaways, which means I collected 63,204 new emails.

However, here’s where things get tricky, because at the beginning of this year I had 24,576 emails on my mail list, and right now, as of my last send, I only have 12,348 on my list.

How did I collect 60,000+ new emails but have half the amount of emails than I had at the beginning of this year?

Because I cull voraciously, leaving only the best of the best emails behind. I’m able to do that because I KNOW more emails will be coming.

I don’t have to be precious with dead emails. I don’t have to horde them. I can let them go because I know what’s going to happen again.

I’ve developed a process, which means every three months, if you don’t open my emails…you are GONE. That growth isn’t chance or blind luck. Yes, some people have blind luck, but you can’t plan for luck.

In fact, two years ago, in January of 2018, I had 1,500 fans on that same page. A year before that, I had barely anybody.

I just happened to keep pushing and pushing until something stuck, and I’m not even close to my goal,

My goal is still 20,000 people open my emails every week, and I’m still just over 3,000, but I have to remember that 3,000 is more than most small conventions get in a week. It’s half of a mid-sized convention, and I not only reach them, but they open my emails every week.

I once ran four Kickstarter in a year, and even though they were less and less successful, launching those products gave me the success on Kickstarter when I finally launched the big one, because I had an audience.

I just kept pushing and pushing and pushing until success came, because I wouldn’t give up, and I kept making better and better stuff until I hit it out of the park.

In January of 2017, three months before I broke through, I had 2,200 emails on my email list.

2,200, and I was desperate to keep them all, mostly because I had no idea how to get more.

Now, I don’t worry about that at all, all because I kept pushing and developed a process that worked for me, based on processes that worked for other people.

I have people who have tried and pushed for 5 years to become a successful author, and because of all that work, they finally broke through, because they kept working and working, and now they are CLEARING, after taxes and everything, six figures a year.

It didn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen if you just…keep doing it consistently.

Consistency is everything in this game. Y’all keep giving up after a couple of rocky attempts, but it takes HUNDREDS of attempts, and trying, for longer than you believe possible before you hit it out of the park.

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