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Don’t be a jerk

Most of the success you will have in comics, outside of the quality of the book, will come from the network you develop. They will be the ones to share out your books, do pin-ups of your work, vouch for you with their audience, cross-promote your Kickstarter, and table around you at shows
If you find it necessary to “tear down” indie comics, or creators either in general or specific, you are going to find that people don’t want to work with you and they certainly don’t want to be friends with you.
Additionally, if you have a negative opinion on indie comics, buyers won’t want to actually buy from you, either, as you are trashing a thing they love.
On top of all that, you come across as a condescending jerk who doesn’t know what they are talking about, because there are, objectively, an incredible number of mindblowing comics out there, and saying otherwise means you haven’t done your homework.
This is also true in novels, but less so because the drive to advertise and work outside of the standard collaborative model exists there, though everything else I said above is true. You will still come across as a jerk, but in an industry 26x the size of comics, it’s easier to blend in and fade away into another group if you burn bridges. Make no mistake, you’re still a jerk, though, and you can only do it so many times before you’ve burned every bridge. There is nothing worse than finding out an author you love is an awful human. 
Comics is so small that it’s hard not to touch everybody within 1 to 2 degrees of separation, and you’re only shooting yourself in the foot if the only way you can create is tearing people down. Most importantly, I don’t know why you would want to join an industry that you think is full of hacks. This work is so hard. If you can’t lift up other creators, and if you can’t get excited by looking at other people’s work, what is even the point? 

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