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Invisible illness

Creating something from nothing is the hardest thing the mind can do.
You are literally staring at a blank page and making something exist from it.
That’s so so so so so so so hard, no matter the field. Whether it’s art, or writing, or film, or music, or cooking, podcasting, or whatever your form of creative expression.
It requires deep focus and energy to birth something.
It’s not surprising that with our attention fractured, our minds occupied with survival, and our nerves fried that you don’t have the energy to make something new.
This is like having an invisible disease. On the outside, it looks like everything is fine, but inside we are falling apart.
It doesn’t matter if everything looks okay, you are allowed to be screaming inside. Just because a hurricane isn’t ravaging your house doesn’t mean you aren’t being ravaged all the same.
Some people thrive on being productive in bad times, and that’s okay, but it’s equally okay to sit on the couch and watch Cartoon Network all day.
There is no right way to deal with it, and every day might be different. You could wake up tomorrow and feel amazing, and then for three days you can’t get out of bed.
Maybe you wake up feeling horrible and then get a burst of energy, and then fall apart.
All of that is valid.
You should not feel bad about any of it.

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