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Make a powerful shift in 2020

Next year, the most powerful shift you can make in your business is to stop thinking about YOU, and start thinking about how everything you do should be received by other people.

How will this make somebody ELSE feel?

How will this project affect OTHER PEOPLE?

What is this meant to evoke is ANOTHER PERSON?

Why is this project important to THEM?

If you look at every meme that goes viral, it is ALWAYS about how people can see themselves in it, or how they can see somebody they love in it.

The things that explode are not about the creator at all, in fact, but how the creator has molded something that makes OTHER PEOPLE feel.

Those things that REALLY connect are all about how the thing we made filled in a little part that was missing in a person’s soul, made them feel whole for even a second, and made them feel like they were slightly less alone in the world.

Every project, during the creation, is personal, but the sooner you can start thinking about what sorts of feelings you want to evoke in OTHERS, the more successful that project will be, and the more deeply you can connect to others deep down, the more successful you will be.

Success is little more than many, many people believing strongly that YOU connect with a small piece of their soul that is desperate to be seen.

When they share something, they are saying “LOOK AT ME! This matters to me, and if it matters to YOU, then we are part of the same tribe. If we can both enjoy this, maybe neither of us have to travel through the world alone.”

Almost all creators can describe what their project is. Few can explain why it’s important to them. A couple can discuss why they are uniquely qualified to make it.

Almost nobody can describe the feeling they are trying to evoke in their reader, and why their work will make them feel a little less alone in the world.

In 2020, you would do well to think about how to switch your mindset, so that you are worried less about what a project means to me, and more about how it should resonate with the people who see it.

Personal resonance is absolutely critical, and often overlaps with the resonance of others, but the more you can articulate your feelings and project the outward into the world, the more success you will have.

More and more things are made every single day, and soon AI will make even more than we could ever made on our own.

The ONLY thing we’re going to have, in the end, is how our work makes others feel, and how they look at what you do as a reflection of them, and how they feel less alone in the world when they think of the thing they made.

Even though every post I make is about something I struggle with, or have struggled with, they are never about me, they are about taking what I wrote, and making them applicable to you, so they resonate with YOU, and burrow deep down into your soul.

Sometimes, I am more effective than others, but always that is my goal, with every project, with every post, with every tweet, and with every move I make in the world.

If you resonate with what I do, it’s because I’ve infused myself deep down into the core of every word I speak, but then my ego gets out of the way, and it becomes about how it can speak to YOU.

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