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Realistic advice versus negativity

Just because somebody offers you realistic advice doesn’t mean they are being negative. People that blow smoke up your butt about how you can accomplish anything are not doing you any favors.
Anything worth doing is hard.
Saying something like “you’ll probably have to put out at least 10 and likely more like 20 books before you have a legit shot to make a living as a writer” and “If you don’t write in very specific categories like romance or thriller, while writing to market and releasing often, it’s going to be really hard for you and you’ll have to put out even more books” aren’t negative statements.
They are statements of facts. If knowing the facts of the matter prevent you from doing something, maybe you shouldn’t do it.
Yes, there are people who make it without doing those things, but they are uncommon. Usually, people that hit the market quickly have hit on an upcoming trend, or underserved niche.
Additionally, telling somebody that in order to make a living in comics they will need to become comfortable with selling at shows and launching Kickstarters and that there is no real way around it isn’t a negative comment.
It’s a statement of fact. It is nearly impossible to make a living in comics without using one or both of those mediums, at least for independent creators. Foregoing those two avenues drastically undercuts your ability to survive in the comics game, especially if you also eschew Patreon.
You have two options with those statements, refuse them, and then five years later say “WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY TELL ME THESE THINGS?” which I literally hear every day.
Or you can understand the limitations and either lean into them or, with eyes open, buck those trends and make your own way.
None of that is negative. It’s realistic from somebody who has been there before and is trying to paint a picture.
Yes, some people will use those facts to turn around and say “so you shouldn’t even try” or “just give up” and that is negative, but unflattering statements of fact are not negative on their own.
Facts are neither negative or positive. They are facts, and if you willfully ignore them or think somebody is trying to hold you back by relaying them to you, then you’re going to smack headfirst into them.


  1. Bobbiem91 says:

    I loved this post. Most don’t want to hear the truth. It takes most authors 5-10 years to get that first best seller. During that 5-10 years they are learning their craft. It isn’t something you learn overnight, but most don’t want to hear that. Just like the one who said they refuse to pay an editor. I began to read one of their books. Needless to say, they are one of the ones who make all indies look bad. It was a first draft, poorly written, major mistakes in words and grammar and punctuation.

    I learned quickly that I needed to learn how to write and edit, to find a good editor, and then repeat. Like you said, most don’t want to listen to you or the make excuses as to why it won’t work for them. As George Washington Carver said, “90% of the failures in life have the habit of making excuses.” You are one who doesn’t make excuses, you get out there and keep slogging ahead. I know I appreciate you and your advice and reminders.

    1. Russell says:

      Thank you for sharing 🙂

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