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Things become easier when people care

Certain things become more fun when you actually have an audience. For instance, for years I did not like writing a newsletter. I did it, but it was a chore…because nobody read it or replied to it.

More importantly, nobody bought from it, so it felt like a waste of money.

Then, I started getting thousands of new people on my newsletter every month, and suddenly people started responding. Now that I have tens of thousands on my newsletter, and get dozens of replies every week, writing a newsletter is fun.

Even better, when I have a product to launch people actually go buy it from my newsletter now, like a lot of people.

Same thing with my Facebook page. It bored me for years because there was like 100 people on it, and nobody ever reacted to anything I said. Now, there are thousands of people on it, and I get lots of interaction, so my Facebook page is fun, finally.

There are things you are doing now, which are mostly not fun because nobody is listening. However, when you build out an audience, suddenly people start to listen, and if you build the right one, then people would be buying as well.



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