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Utilizing time better

Creators do not consider speed to market in their income goals nearly enough. 

For instance, if you are a 2 book a year writer, and you want to double your income, one way to do it is to double your audience.

However, another way is to write 4 books a year instead of 2.

Most people say they can never do this because they only have a finite amount of time, but the truth is that only current you can’t do it.

Future you may be 5x quicker than current you. For years I was stuck at 1,000 words a day.

However, I knew that only producing one book a year couldn’t work for me. So, I challenged myself to write 5,000 words a day in the same time it took me to write 1,000 words a day.

It didn’t come overnight, but eventually I went from 1,000 words to 2,000 words to 3,000 words, and then eventually with repetition and practice I made it to 5,000 words.

Now, I can create 5x more work in the same time it used to take me. That’s 5 books instead of 1 book.

These books are just as good as when I wrote a single book a year. In fact, they are likely much better because I have iterated so much on my process.

And I am not spending more time out of my life to make them. I am just better utilizing the time I have available to me.

If you only have a finite amount of time, then all you can do is becoming brutally efficient in that amount of time. The more ruthlessly efficient you can be, the more you will get done.


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