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Why I barely use social media anymore

People look at me funny when I say the only thing I really work on anymore is my mailing list, and basically don’t even worry about social media.

It’s okay. I’m sure you have looked at me funny, too, because that’s “old man logic” and “email is dead”.

You can do you, honey boo boo, but every time I do the numbers, and I compare social media to email, my mailing list blows everything else out of the water, especially for sales related posts.

For instance, I posted one of my recent mailing list emails on social media a couple of weeks ago. I know this post wasn’t optimized for social media, and it was very long, but just look at the numbers.


When I shared it on my email, I got 3,400 people reading the email, and 190 clicks.

When I shared it in three places on Facebook, with a combined 20,000 connections…I got less than 1,000 reach (estimated from the reach of the page post) and less than 20 engagements with the post.

I also got about 25 email replies to this email, so it was one of my strongest recently as far as simply engaging and resonating with fans.

I sent ONE email and got almost 3,500 opens and almost 200 people taking action. I shared on Facebook and it got barely 1/3 of that in reach and 1/10 of the people taking action.

And the more you have on your social media, the worse the throttling gets, whereas it’s the same no matter how many people I have on my list.

Yeah, non-promotional posts like this one will probably do fine, but the minute you put a link…death.

If I only had social media, I would think all my books were duds, and yet, when I launch to my list…I sell.

I will take the funny looks because all that matters is the fact that I am making money from my list and I am not doing so through social media.

I still use social media, but I know it’s not going to make me any money unless I can get people on my list. I know social media supposedly works for some people, but the mailing list works for me with much less effort than the constant dance of social media.

When I do use social media, it’s to network with creators and interact with fans, but it’s never to sell. Not anymore. If sales come from social media, great, but I do not rely on it.

Admittedly, it took me a few years to get my mailing list spun up to the place where it was able to work so well, and I tweaked a lot in those early days, but once stable, it’s the absolute best investment in my company, aside from making books.

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