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A reminder

A reminder:

-I wrote Ichabod Jones AND Katrina Hates the Dead during the last financial crisis when I was forced onto unemployment for a long time. They were the lynchpin books for my career, and are still some of my best selling books nearly a decade later.

-I started taking classes in marketing and sales last time I was laid off. I got a health and life insurance license, which led me to AFLAC, which led me to Recycler, which led me to a Sprint reseller, where I went from the worst to the best salesman, and eventually sales manager, and which helped me develop the skills I still use in my company today.

-I started reading business books and listening to business podcasts the last time I was stuck without a job, which helped me make sure that Wannabe Press started on solid footing, and kept me ahead of the curve.

-I learned how to write novels the last time I was forced into joblessness. Now, I have written seventeen novels and they have become an integral part of my business.

-I learned how to write after a massive car accident that led me to be in a neck brace for six months, leading to another stint on unemployment. Since then I became a USA Today bestselling author, publisher, and comic book creator.

-We only moved to Los Angeles because I happened to be unemployed at the right time back when I had my massive car accident which left me jobless. Now, I’ve lived in LA for over a decade, own property here, and consider it my hometown.

Every single thing that defines me now was formed in those years back during the Great Recession when I was without a “real job”.

I’m not saying you have to do anything right now, but if you have the spoons for it, then this could be a great time to seed the next decade of your life. If you don’t have the spoons for it, then now is the time to recover, breathe, and relax.

However, if you’re ready to make a change, or jump to the next level, then the things you do now will literally echo in eternity.

Unemployment benefits literally seeded my whole company, and I’m so excited to see what they will bring this time, because for the first time in a decade I know exactly how much money I have coming in, and I can literally do anything with it.

The last recession created hundreds of thousands of dollars for Wannabe Press, and I didn’t even know what I was doing.

Now, I have focus, but that’s only because I started a decade ago.

What will you do with the time you have?


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  1. waltsoc says:

    You are definitely a “glass half-full” kinda guy…!

    1. Russell says:

      Thanks! I try to be inspiring in ways when I think there is a reason, and I definitely think there is a reason in this moment.

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