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Budgetary constraints

Steven Universe and Game of Thrones are two amazing shows with very different budgets. Game of Thrones costs exponentially more than Steven Universe.

Steven Universe is 11 minutes and animated. Game of Thrones is 50 minutes and live action.

Steven Universe is created in a studio, while Game of Thrones has dozens of locations all over the world.

However, they are both amazing shows. It’s just that one takes vastly more resources than the other.

So often, creators try to make Game of Thrones on a Steven Universe budget.

If you gave the creators of Game of Thrones the budget of Steven Universe, the show would suck, because there would not be enough money to do everything that needs to be done in order to make Game of Thrones into the epic show it became.

That doesn’t mean Steven Universe sucks though. Making Steven Universe with the budget of Steven Universe is perfection.

You need to think differently about your budgetary constraints. If you only have a little bit of money, stop trying to make somebody that requires 10x more money.

Save that project for later.

Instead, try to make an incredible project with the money you have.

Or with more skill than you have. You might be at the beginning of your career, and not have much skill. Don’t go trying to make an epic book. Instead, try to make an incredible book with the skills and resources you have available to you.

People get this wrong all the time.

It’s not about making something grand and epic. It’s about making use of the resources you have available to make something amazing, and scaling your project to fit your budget.

Once people see that you can make something incredible on a smaller budget, they will be more likely to give you more money for bigger projects.

This is why most filmmakers start with intimate films and then build over time, and how almost every artist grows their skills from shorts and indie books to bigger books over time.

However, if you make a subpar project, no matter how much money you have available, people will turn away from you.

Most people try to create the grandest project with a pauper’s budget. If you instead tried to fit the project to the budget, and scale over time, you would get much further, and be happier.

It’s a simple flip, but powerful none the less.


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