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Can you send daily emails without burning out your list and causing a mass uprising from your subscribers?

Interesting stat for you today.

One of the most common questions, or comments, I receive is about frequency of email, and people worried they can only send their email monthly or backers will freak out and unsubscribe, or complain, in mass.

Since September 1st, I have sent 29 emails about my Kickstarter campaign.

My mailing list right now sits at 19,716, but it was 20,291 at the beginning of the month. For the sake of this, I’m going to be using the CURRENT number of active emails, which is 19716, as we explore whether I send “too many” emails.

September 1st was 27 days ago, and I already mentioned I have sent 29 emails to my main list so far, which is MORE than 1 a day. In that time, I’ve gotten FIVE emails complaining about the number of emails I have sent out. It might have been a few more, but I can track down five. I’m going to say TEN for the purpose of this, as I want to be exceptionally fair when making this analysis.

Also during that time I’ve had 91 spam complaints, which is an average of 3 per email, or a total of .02%. The average is .1%, which means this is LESS than the average email list.

In addition, I have had a total of 575 unsubs from my main list. However, I’ve also sent emails to other segments that aren’t part of my main list, and overall have had 1,130 unsubscribed.

For the sake of being uber fair, I’m going to take the TOTAL unsub rate and the CURRENT sub count, so 1,130 and 19,716, which comes out to 39 email unsubscribes per email, or .2%, which is the average unsubscribe rate of the average email list.

So, along with the TEN email replies complaining, or .06% of my total list, I have been marked as spam by .02% of my subscribers and had .2% of my list unsubscribe from my emails.

At the same time, 53% of my subscribers were active (at least opening ONE email during that time). I can’t easily check the click rate, but I can tell you that during that time 570 backers have pledged $19,417.

If my numbers bear out from previous campaigns, then about half, or 255 of those backers, are from my list and half, or 255 backers, are brand new.

That would mean 1.3% of my list converted, while 5.7% unsubscribed, accounting for $9708.50 of my total campaign pledge, on a spend of $19, which is what it costs to maintain my list per month.

AND, every time I sent an email, I saw an uptick in backers. Now, this might be correlation and not causation, but I think there’s at least some causal link between those events because it happens after EVERY email.

Would you pay $19 to make $9708,50? I’ve made $70,000 on Kickstarter this year, and my email list, before I switched, cost about $100/mo, so would you spend $1,200 to make $35,000?

Even if Kickstarter is right and my list ONLY brought in $7,222 (which is what it says came from an unidentified source and that usually is my email list), and it cost my entire yearly spend of $1,200 to make $7,222, would that be worth it?

I would make that trade, all day every day. However, that’s not the real question, the REAL question is do I send too many emails. Well, if I did I would expect to see a higher than average spam or unsubscribe rate than usual, but my spam rate is LOWER than usual, and my unsubscribe rate is right at the average, so no, I don’t think I send TOO many emails, and I’m sending them more than daily right now, which means you can do it too. You just have to do it the right way.

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