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“Constant Promotion”

I hear this all the time. “I’m constantly promoting, but not getting any new fans. Help!”

To which I ask “what does constant promotion mean to you?”

Their reply is almost always “I’m sharing all over my social media accounts all the time.”

And then, I sigh loudly.


Because “constant promotion” does not mean promoting to your own audience constantly.

“Constant promotion” means always going out to find NEW people and potential fans, and bringing them into your fandom.

If you are only doing the former, you are not doing promotion, you are just spinning your wheels going nowhere, which is also completely unproductive in furthering your career.

If you want to do promotion, then join cross-promotions with other people in your niche, hop onto people’s virtual streams, host a virtual conference, run Facebook lead gen ads (or any kind of ads), do a Facebook group takeover, schedule a book signing, do a mailing list swap, contact strategic partners…or any number of thousands of things you can do for free or cheap, or very expensive, depending on your budget.

That is promotion. The thing you are doing is nothing, and that is why you are getting no new fans.

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