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Creating in the darkness

In the middle of The Great Recession, when I had no job, no hope, and no prospects, the only thing I knew how to do was create.
So that’s what I did.
I made Katrina Hates the Dead, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter, and Gumshoes: The Case of Madison’s Father during that time. Gumshoes was a good seller for a couple of years, but Ichabod Jones started my career, and Katrina Hates the Dead broke it wide open.
I couldn’t do much during that time. Mostly, it was a page here and a page there, but I never fully stopped. I kept creating little by little, and by the end of it, I had the sparks of my career.
It was a horrible, miserable, no good, very bad time in my life, and the lives of so many other people.
But from the ashes of that atrocious time, I was able to spring a career that has lasted and grown over time…
…all from what I seeded during the bad times.
There is a time for reaping and a time for sowing, and once you grieve, and if you can, then you can start little by little clawing your way to something beautiful which could take you to the next level.
No pressure, but all hope is not lost. In fact, all that remains in the darkness is hope. Hope that we will find the light some day, and feel its warmth on our cheeks.

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