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Marketing is not a chore

Please stop looking at marketing like a chore.

Marketing is not a chore and it’s not a drag. Marketing is a way to connect your work with other humans.

However, most people treat it like a drag, and it shows. I hear all the time “I I have to write a Facebook post”, or “I have to write on Twitter”, or something.

No you don’t.

You get to do that.

When was the last time you said “I have to hang out with my friends,” when it didn’t end up being horrible? Not often, I’ll bet. In fact, every time I think something is going to be horrible, I put almost no effort into it. Not only that, but I come as the worst version of myself, and it shows.

When you dread something, it shows. When you hate something it comes across to everybody. Nobody wants to engage with somebody like that. Besides, it’s not even fair to view marketing through that lens. When you’re marketing, advertising, or posting on social media, you are trying to make a connection to humans who grok the way you see the world.

Who does that sound like? What kind of people grok who you see the world?  Sounds a little like friends to me. So, next time you post, or go to an event, or literally anything related to marketing, talk like you would talk to a friend, as if there is another human being on the other end of that transmission who likes the way you view the world and is eager to engage with you.

Do the things you want to do and say the things you want to say as if it was completely natural, and like you wanted to do it. Heck, I actually enjoy all this stuff because I always assume the people at the end of these communications see the world as I see it. Because I assume that is the case, it happens to be the case that lots of people enthusiastically engage with what I have to say. I don’t treat them like a chore. I treat them like a human who wants to hear from me.

Like a friend.

And I can talk to friends for hours.



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