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Zone of genius

I am not always at my best. More often then not, I am subpar. In most areas of life, I am abysmal. However, in some areas, I am a rockstar. Those are my zones of genius. I don’t have many of them, but I have enough to make a pretty good living.

My challenge over the past several years has been to find when I am at my best and then work towards expanding those parts of my life, while cutting out the places at which I am not at my best and allowing myself to occupy my zones of genius as often as possible.

It is still a work in progress, but the people you see who always look like they are doing awesome are either a) lying or b) have found the ways in which they are exemplary and work in those areas as much as possible.

It is a process, and a struggle, every single day. However, the more you are able to occupy the parts of your life where you are exemplary, the more exemplary you will be because you are occupying your own personal zones of genius more often. Nobody is exemplary at everything. In fact, nobody is good at most things.

The exemplary ones have just found out how to occupy their areas of genius as often as possible.


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