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Give(away) and you shall receive

When you want somebody to do something, encourage it by giving them something in return. It’s a lot easier to get somebody to do something when there’s a prize involved.

Basically, bribe them. For instance, when I wanted to promote The Complete Creative, I launched a Masterclass giveaway. This is the landing page I created using Kingsumo.

As you can see, It encouraged people to sign up for the mailing list because they might win something. Additionally, they were added to my mailing list for The Complete Creative, and I targeted the giveaway to attract my perfect customer.

And then it encouraged them to like the Facebook page, follow the blog, subscribe on Youtube, etc, by giving them extra entries for doing so. You can see the extra bribes I offered below.

This led to hundreds of people following my social media links AND thousands signing up for my mailing list, many of whom I had never met before. In fact, over a thousand signed up in just the first week alone. I used to beg people to follow me or sign up for my mailing list, but this works way better.

It’s actually not that hard to get somebody to do what you want them to do, especially if you bribe them.  Then, you’re both getting something. They are getting a chance to win something, and you are getting permission from them to add you to your mailing list and market to them again.

Instead of begging people to sign up to your mailing list, or follow you on social media, offer them something instead, and they will come flocking. This is a really simple trick, but almost nobody does it.

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We value your privacy and would never spam you. We will send you relevant offers and add you to our mailing list, though.

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